Assata J. Haki
Actor — Papa Jennings is Gone “Lillie”
For Assata J. Haki, acting is the root of the tree and some of her the limbs are performing, storytelling, empowerment speaking, teaching artist, and writer. She is very excited to be working with The Obsidian Theatre Festival. As an actress, Assata’s recent work but is not limited with the Matrix Theatre Company, Open Book Theatre, The Black and Brown Theatre, The Strolling Monologues as Nina Simone and Queen Amenirias. Assata's love for acting presents her with many opportunities to perform, on all a variety of sets and stages. While acting is her love, Assata concentration is as a Theatre Teaching Artist. Assata graduated from Wayne State University with a BA in Theatre and in 2018, she earned her M.A. in Teaching Artistry in Theatre and Dance.